Top upcoming 15 biggest horror game for Pc/PlayStation/Xbox

11 months ago

Horror games are a genre of video games designed to create feelings of fear, panic, and anxiety in the player³. They are characterized by their dark atmospheric settings and suspenseful themes³. They may feature scenes called jump scares, in which there is a loud noise or something jumps out at the player to scare them³.

Unlike most other video game genres, which are classified by their gameplay, horror games are nearly always based on narrative or visual presentation, and use a variety of gameplay types¹. This broad association to the narrative theme of horror games leads to the lack of well-defined subgenres of horror games¹. However, there are some specific areas in the broad horror game classification that have been identified as unique subgenres in horror¹²:

1. **Survival Horror Games**: These games tend to focus on the survival of the player-character in a horror setting with limited resources, and thus tend to be more geared as an action game or action-adventure game¹. A common theme of these games is escape or survival from the equivalent of a zombie apocalypse, with weapons, ammunition, and armor limited¹.
2. **Action Horror Games**: Action horror games use action game elements from first-person and third-person shooter games alongside the survival horror themes, making them more fast-paced than survival horror games¹².

Different gamers will have their own set of horror video game sub-genres as well as their own criteria for each². What makes things even more confusing is that you can have a game that's 'survival horror' yet incorporates elements from 'action horror' or 'psychological horror'². Therefore, you shouldn't see this list as a right-or-wrong set of genres, but more of a useful guide to help you distinguish between different types of horror games alongside your own opinion of horror².

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