How made toilet paper

5 months ago

Toilet paper begins with tree pulp, which is a combination of hardwood and softwood fibers.
Hardwood trees like Gum, Maple, and Oak provide short fibers for softness.
Softwood trees like Douglas Firs and Southern Pines contribute longer fibers for strength.
Chemical Processing:
During manufacturing, certain chemicals are essential to break down and extract tough tree fibers.
Bleaching agents, such as chlorine dioxide, give the paper its white color.
Water mixes with the tree pulp to create a substance called “paper stock.”
Forming the Sheets:
The paper stock is pressed and dried to achieve a moisture content of about 5%.
Creping, a crucial step, makes the paper soft and wrinkled.
Large wide sheets are scraped off the drying cylinder (called the Yankee Dryer) using a metal blade.
Rolling and Converting:
The sheets are wound into large rolls and sent to converting machines.
These machines cut and perforate the rolls into individual toilet paper sheets.
The final product is packaged and ready for use.
Hidden Ingredients:
Some toilet paper brands may contain additional ingredients:
Bleach derivatives (Process Chlorine Free or Elemental Chlorine Free) affect the bleaching process.
Formaldehyde, found in “Ultra Strong” products, can irritate the skin and increase cancer

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