LIBERTY'S DEFENSE: The Internet Kill Switch Danger

9 months ago

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Under the Communications Act of 1934 and signed into law by then President Franklin D. Roosevelt the Executive Branch was given the sole power to commandeer any device that emits radio frequency in the name of safety and security for the nation. But as the definition of what constitutes a National Emergency has broadened under the scope of Continuity of Government (COG) guidelines and the rise of Ai, 6G, CBDC's, and other technology in recent decades, how can we trust that an "Internet Kill
Switch" can't or won't be used against us? Already cities across the country are warning of limited services like food, travel, and cell signal interruptions during the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
And with an election year upon us, we have a lockdown style Martial Law still on the books... For any President to impose on We the People, at any time.
#jamesanthonyreport #presidents #presidentialelection
Partial Transcript:
The broad language used in the 1934 Communications Act signed into law under President Franklin D. Roosevelt allows for the President to essentially hijack any device that emits radio frequency. With over 30 current and simultaneous National Emergencies having been declared by our government and our
dependence on internet connected devices, you'd have to question this power especially in an election year. While there is no big red switch the President can use to flip the internet on or off (due to the nature of the internet itself) it doesn't mean it can't or even isn't happening currently. In fact, governments around
the world have done this to some degree or another to deter resistance efforts, stage military coups, and keep whole populations in the dark about election results and related matters. But its' also happened here; in 2005 in New York, at Obama's Inauguration in '09, and more recently in San Francisco after the shooting death of a homeless man. And we also saw this in 2020, whether some are aware or not. Content restrictions, throttling, filters, shutdowns, and even cable cutting are all outlined under the Continuity of Government Directives that involve agencies like the Department of Homeland Security. With the advent of 6G technology, Ai, CBDC's, and Social Credit Scores, we could be heading for another such event very soon. Already cities
across America are warning of limited food, travel, and cell phone service during the Total Solar Eclipse happening on April 8th. And while no one can be certain of any targeting that may take place, the issue ultimately boils down to Civil Liberties and Freedom of Speech. As we've seen Presidential powers do not expire like old milk at the end of a President's term and the blueprint for nationwide martial law is still on the books.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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