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Mineral Balancing and the Importance of Copper Metabolism
Mineral balancing is super important for absorption of copper and in this video I explain one of the leading concepts for optimal mitochondrial health through healthy ceruloplasmin function.
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Mineral balancing and the importance of copper metabolism.
If you've been looking for ways to improve the your mitochondrial function, the information in this video may be very helpful for you. For me, this video is a result of my decades long obsession with mineral balancing, as well as partly inspired from what Morley Robbins published in this book, "Cure Your Fatigue", which you can read to learn more about some of these concepts and dig deeper into the research behind them. So if you already have a desire to understand the balancing of the different minerals in the body so that they will be well absorbed when you spend your hard earned money on supplements, then stay with me until the end.
And in this video I'll explain my take on what Morley Robbins refers to as the three minerals and one protein that are the key to optimizing your mitochondrial function. So what are these three minerals and what is the protein? Well, one of the minerals, which is crucial for the understanding of the balance is copper. The focus here is on being able to not just take copper, but also to make it bioavailable, which is quite a delicate balance, as I will explain in this video.
I almost forgot the disclaimer. I am not a health professional of any kind and make no medical claims. I'm just a researcher who happens to have gone through a lot of self-healing of my own, and I like to make videos about my experiences. Please do your own research and consider working with a professional. Again, I'm not a medical doctor and I don't give any medical advice. None of my statements regarding products or ideas are intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. If you have a medical condition, I advise you to consult a professional for advice. Thanks.
But anyway, moving on before we get to the other minerals, let's talk about the essential protein. It's called ceruloplasmin and it's considered a vital protein enzyme complex, which is vital to your mitochondrial function. Ceruloplasmin is quite complex, so I'll keep this discussion to its most important aspects which involve copper, copper metabolism. This includes changing the state of iron from the ferrous to the ferric state. Without proper ceruloplasmin function, the iron won't be oxidized, so it can't be transported by your blood without that oxidation process. The iron is stored and can't transport oxygen in your blood plasma. And this is the purpose of iron is a transporter of oxygen. But guess what? While iron is one of the three minerals of vital importance regarding this video, this is because it's actually one of the problems.
So you're not gonna see me here suggesting that anyone take iron even if they've been told that they are "anemic" and have an iron deficiency. This is typically not necessary and can only contribute to the problem and make it worse. See, the problem is accumulation of iron in the tissues, not actual deficiency. So if you've been told that you're anemic, my question for you is whether it is really an iron deficiency or if this is an issue with stagnant iron that is stuck in the tissues but not utilized in the blood to transport oxygen, that would actually be a iron dysregulation rather than an iron deficiency.
After all, what happens when this iron is not oxidized by a properly functioning ceruloplasmin?
This stagnant iron buildup is essentially rusting your mitochondria and causing oxidative stress. You don't have to take my word for it. Here is a study called "The interactome of the copper transporter ATP7A belongs to a network of neurodevelopmental and neurodegeneration factors". Quite a mouthful. Now it's just one of many to support this understanding of the importance of copper metabolism.
So how can you avoid stagnant iron and rusting of your mitochondria, which is also called leakage? Well, ceruloplasmin is the iron regulation protein enzyme complex that should be keeping the balance of copper and iron functioning properly when it is in proper balance, the oxidative stress is minimized.
But how is this accomplished?
It's simple to say, but more difficult to achieve. You just need more bioavailable copper in your ceruloplasmin and that's what you'll you hear about in this video. But keeping in mind that there are a few steps to achieving that, and it's not just about taking more copper supplements or drinking out of a copper water bottle or something like that. The mitochondria utilizes system referred to as the electron transport chain or ETC to power your cells. Copper ions are the lubricants that keep the system running smoothly and help to avoid rusting or oxidative stress that can slow down the energy production.
So how does ceruloplasmin help? A lot of it depends on copper dependent enzymes. The metalloenzymes are of course dependent on having the bioavailable metals that we synthesize these into these enzymes. This is essentially why we need minerals so we can synthesize all the essential metalloenzymes for optimal metabolic health. When we are deficient in certain minerals, we make substitutions and just do the best with what we have. This is not ideal of course.
Ceruloplasmin falls into the category called multi copper oxidases or MCOs for short. As such, it essentially carries copper through an activation process to the cells, helps build heme or blood cells called hematophoraesis and helps regulate iron into the red blood cells.
Red blood cells with ferric iron are carrying oxygen inhaled through the lungs into the red cells and also carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. Ferroxidase is part of the ceruloplasmin complex and it helps keep the iron cycling assuring that it's oxidized and can thus carry oxygen in the blood rather than sitting stagnant in your tissues where it does no good. This is iron dysregulation and it's a result of inadequate levels of bioactive copper, thus resulting in impaired ceruloplasmin function.
This is why some of us are very concerned when someone trusts a diagnosis of anemia as a result of a serum ferritin protein test, which is only testing the levels of storage iron and doesn't determine whether iron is cycling as it should be. So this can be a very misleading test.
Getting back to the MCOs, the multi copper oxidases, they also help synthesize neutrophils, which is a type of white blood cell, which help concentrate pathogens in order for them to be neutralized. Ceruloplasmin utilizes a number of these copper dependent enzymes such as ferroxidase. The enzyme complex ceruloplasmin activates the copper and makes it bioavailable, and thus supports the proper function of the electron transport chain. To use the car engine metaphor, it essentially keeps all your cylinders firing properly.
When you don't have enough bioavailable copper, your electron transport chain becomes more stagnant, leading to oxidative stress and a higher magnesium burn rate. To compensate the MBR or magnesium burn rate relates to how quickly you are burning off your magnesium.
Magnesium is considered the master mineral of the body. We need a ton of it. We also consume it in a lot of different ways, but one of the primary places we use it is to neutralize oxidative stress. Think of this as the way we burn it off. Think of a stressful time in your day, even from a boss you may have that gives you a tight deadline for a job. That stress can burn off more of your magnesium in those particularly stressful moments. For example, I know I feel more stress when there's less money in my bank account or when I might feel like there's a financial collapse coming and I'm not prepared for it well enough. But with these nutritional and mineral protocols in balance, I feel like I can cope with those stressful situations more easily anyway.
The more you can minimize this burn of magnesium, the better and keeping your iron in good shape will help keep your iron flowing and not be stagnant in your tissues. Proper copper metabolism is crucial so the iron doesn't just rust in your tissues causing the oxidative stress we've been talking about.
Next, let's talk about vitamins D and A. It's important to note that the different types of vitamin D and consider that this vitamin is often considered a photo sensitive hormone, meaning that it is activated by your exposure to the sun. Taking supplemental vitamin D is not the same as what you get naturally from the sun as long as you have good fat in your diet. So let's explore the types of vitamin D. As I mentioned briefly along with vitamin A, many of us consider these hormones rather than vitamins because of the way they are metabolized. Both of these are are also photo sensitive, requiring some form of light to activate them for absorption.
The storage form of vitamin D is 25-hydroxyvitamin D, also called calcidiol. The active form of vitamin D on the other hand is 1-25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which is also called calcitriol. The funny thing about it is that oral consumption of D3 or cholcalciferol may help increase calcidiol production in the liver, but may not increase the levels of calcitriol, the active form. There is an important balance that needs to be achieved between the active vitamin D and the active form of vitamin A retinol, which should be more abundant than vitamin D. The ratios that I've seen discussed are in the three to one ratio of A to D.
Why is this ratio important?
One of the functions of retinol is to load copper into the ceruloplasmin and when the levels of retinol are low, this process lags. This is why retinol is so vital to your copper metabolism. Over these last few years, there's been heavy promotion of oral consumption of vitamin D, but I don't see many people even mentioning vitamin A much less the active form of A, which is called retinol, as I've mentioned. There are many forms of vitamin A that some consider toxic due to their synthetic origin. There's some disagreement on this point, but one thing is clear that there are also other different forms of vitamin A and that the active form is retinol, not retinyl palmitate or other forms that end with the "yl" rather than the active form called retinol. There are also vegetable sourced forms of vitamin A, such as betacarotene, which likely results in metabolism of retinol only in very small quantities, if at all, but are helpful in other nutritious ways. But without higher levels of retinol, copper metabolism is slowed and even if you are taking copper supplements, they are likely not doing what they should due to this sluggish ceruloplasmin functionality.
So where can you get retinol from? If you are purely vegetarian, then this will prove to be challenging as larger demands for retinol may be present than what the vegetarian sources can metabolize.
Beef liver is one great source, but obviously due to the nature of liver function, it should be sourced from very clean source that is fed a traditional grass fed diet. Another source, which I take is from cod liver oil, but not all cod liver oil is the same, and most sources destroy the retinol in the high temperature processing of their oil and they then add insult to injury by adding high levels of D3 to the product defeating, in my view, the main purpose of making or of taking cod liver oil in the first place, which is the potentially great source of retinol.
So let's talk about fish oils for a moment because over the years I've been openly very critical of fish oil products due to the high temperature and high pressure methods of concentrating them, often using supercritical carbon dioxide for this purpose. The problem is that these methods, along with the other solvents that in the cod liver oil products cause oxidation of the very sensitive fatty acids and retinol. Oxidized oil, no matter what type of oils they they are are toxic and inflammatory. Omega fatty acids are some of the most sensitive oils to oxidation and highly processed oils are typically highly oxidized, making them rather problematic. Most fish oils are not whole food products. They are highly processed and should be noted as such, the majority of fish oil products fall into this category.
Unfortunately, this product, which you can see at is the only whole food cod liver oil product I have ever found. It's made using a traditional Norwegian method said to be passed down from the Viking era where the cod is harvested only during certain seasons when the livers are very fatty, at least partly because of the seasonal water temperature. While still fresh on the boat, the livers are removed and with a slight change in temperature, the oil is released from the livers. It's a true full spectrum cod liver oil with all the original ratios of fat intact, all the EPA, DHA, and of course the retinol. There's also a small amount of D3 contained naturally in the liver oil, but only tiny amounts in comparison to the copious amounts of retinol or active vitamin A.
I've personally been taking and recommending this product for about a year now and have seen a difference in my cellular energy as a result of it and have heard feedback in the same way as well.
You can learn more about this product and try it out yourself by visiting like I said before.
But there are also three other products I'd like to mention to finish this off. The final one, which in my view, is the icing on the cake.
First is this bioactive copper. I've personally been taking this form of copper for a number of years after first reading studies about it and about its bioavailability and playing around with it to create my own formulas. None of my formulas are available at this time, but we carry this great product with the same ingredient, which is copper in the nicotinic acid form.
So you can learn more about this at this bioactive copper at
I also find it very interesting that the copper nicotinic acid has also been helpful when more recently the use of nicotine patches to alleviate the so-called "long covid", as well as various covid vax reactions has become so popular. This largely has been spurred on by the work of Dr. Brian Ardis, and I have to wonder if he's tried the nicotinic copper instead?
Since I always prefer the nutritional and mineral based methods, it makes me wonder if this need for nicotine patches may be related to a deeper copper deficiency and other related mineral balancing issues.
We also discussed magnesium and magnesium burn rate here in this video, and this product contains the form of magnesium that most people have never heard of. It's called magnesium bicarbonate. This is not the same as magnesium carbonate. Magnesium bicarbonate has never been stabilized into a dry form, but this is a concentrated liquid.
Each bottle will make eight gallons of magnesium bicarbonate water, which when taken on an empty stomach, is incredibly well absorbed in the gut. Since oral absorption of other types of magnesium tends to be rather minimal, it is often recommended to take more and more forms of it in order to get enough but not induce diarrhea from taking too much. This does not appear to be an issue with this form of magnesium, which is incredibly well absorbed, but should always be taken on an empty stomach.
And you can learn more about this and try it out at
The final product that I would like to mention because it's a powerhouse of trace minerals, and I personally believe that anytime we start taking mineral supplements, the first thing to look at is the trace minerals. So before I would add a copper supplement to my regimen, I would add a source of trace minerals. This is a cultivated form of marine phytoplankton, which is the base food of the ocean. In the ocean they provide the earth with most of its oxygen and feed the base of the ocean's food chain.
This product, on the other hand, is a concentrated form of phytoplankton, which includes bioactive trace minerals, fatty acids, and other nutrients packed in so much that a dose of it is only a 16th of a teaspoon. So this bag actually lasts quite a while for most folks.
For me, I take it every day and it lasts about 45 days. I also want to say that my cat loves this marine phytoplankton. I've been giving it to him for about six months now. I just sprinkle a little bit on top of his dry food and he really likes it, I think it's because it kind of smells like fish. He really seems to like it and you know, he's, he's really healthy. I wish I could bring him on camera here, but he's, he's kind of a scaredy cat and he, he is hard to pin down. So maybe one day, sometimes he, you know, says a few things on while I'm shooting videos. But that's about, that's about all you get on these videos of my, my cat Meower.
This is one of my staples and favorite supplements for improving immune function, and you can learn more about this and try it out yourself by going to
You can also learn more about my energy bundle, which includes all four of these products, which I've described at
And if you got some benefit from this video, go ahead and give, give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel here on Rumble and other platforms that might allow me to upload this video and hit that notification bell so that you can see when I post new videos or go live, which I'll be doing in the near future.
And if you haven't grabbed my free reports at go and check those out.
I'm publishing reports on nutritional and enzyme approaches to metabolic health. So check it out and download all those reports and get all the references and learn all about the history of important nutritional and enzyme approaches to metabolic health that have been actively suppressed for decades and are now largely censored by big tech. I can't publish a lot of my videos on big tech because of that these days. Thanks so much for watching this video and I look forward to seeing you next time.
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