Big Boys Toys Retraction

6 months ago

My husband, Markus Willard, and I will have no further comments on this issue.

We wish for us and Big Boy's Toys RV to now move forward. ❤️

Thank you,

Sincerely Lisa Marie

**Written Retraction and Apology** Lisa Marie Redl (Willard)

[1] Over the course of the past 15 months, my wife Lisa Marie Redl and I published statements on various social media sites and customer review platforms about a recreational vehicle we purchased from Big Boy’s Toys Ltd. in Nanoose Bay, British Columbia.

[2] We now accept that the information we published about Big Boy’s Toys Ltd. - and the company’s principals, Ian and Shannon Moore - was defamatory and untrue.

[3] We take this opportunity to make amends by retracting our statements about them and offering our sincere apologies for ever having made them.

[4] We acknowledge that in publishing the defamatory and untrue statements, we caused significant damage to the reputations of Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Big Boy’s Toys Ltd. We genuinely regret having done so.

[5] We were wrong, and we take full responsibility for our improper actions.

[6] We have voluntarily removed the statements from our social media sites and the messaging platforms where they were published.

[7] Due to our conduct, Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Big Boy’s Toys Ltd. commenced an action against us in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. We have agreed to compensate them for the costs they incurred in that proceeding and further, to pay them a sum of money to be applied to a charity of their choice.

[8] The defendants will post and, where possible, pin this written retraction and apology, and the video apology given today, on the defendants’ profiles and the profiles they control where the defamatory statements were published, and the defendants will maintain this written retraction and apology and the video apology in the “public” setting of each of their profiles on their social media platforms until 26 March 2025.

Dated at Vancouver this 26 day of March 2024.

Lisa Marie Redl (Willard)

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