Tucker Carlson’s Prep School: Can’t Speak on Campus Because ‘People Could be Killed’

1 month ago

Tucker Carlson’s Prep School Won’t Allow Him to Speak on Campus Because ‘People Could be Killed’. Tucker Carlson is considered by faculty and administration "too dangerous" to speak at his high school alma mater, the St George's School, despite a student invitation. He hosts a Zoom with students instead and explains what happened.

Students at St. George’s School in Rhode Island, a prep school that Tucker Carlson attended and sent his children to, wanted Tucker to come and speak on campus, but faculty and administrators won’t allow it, claiming it’s just too dangerous.

Progressives in academia do not want students exposed to conservative voices and will use any dumb excuse to silence people.

Tucker says that he was actually told that ‘people could be killed’ if he is allowed to speak at the school.

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