[W.D.I.M.] Tracer Blanks & a Blind Tank Diver | BF4- Difficulty Tweak #2

2 months ago

Back at it again with BF4 on Difficulty Tweak. And I'm starting to realize that the bigest challenge in this game is the stupidity of my own allied NPCs. Click to find out how truely incompetent they are on each difficulty.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Difficulty Timestamps---
Straight into the gameplay- Easy stamp
-Easy: 3:45
-Normal: 42:10
-Hard: 1:16:35

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVUIeB9YrCU&pp=ygUaYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgNCBjb2xsZWN0YWJsZXM%3D

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