International Public Notice: The Greenbacks Scandal Revisited in Modern Terms By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4734 Video - International Public Notice: The Greenbacks Scandal Revisited in Modern Terms - Tuesday, April 2, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have often observed that the intergenerational criminals among us are distinctively uncreative. They work out a con game and if it works once, they wait a while, and they use it again.

Recently, they pulled one out of their trunk of tricks that goes all the way back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian.

Give them points for having long memories and keeping good records.

Our subject today is a repeat of much more recent fraud schemes.

Remember Lincoln's "Greenbacks" engineered by his Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase?

For those who need a reminder ---

Chase's Treasury issued an extremely favorable series of bonds called "Ten Forty Bonds" offering investors unheard of rates of return on their investments.

They were called Ten Forty Bonds, because they matured either in ten years or forty years, and yes, they are still being sold today, only the investors don't realize that they are buying these bonds when they sign a "1040 Form" and they never receive back any reward or dividend from their investment purchase.

[That's another fraud scheme that includes impersonation of the victims and complete siphoning of the profits.]

In order to buy these bonds, you had to first convert your gold or silver-based money to Greenbacks, and use Greenbacks to buy the Ten Forty Bonds.

Ten years later these investors came back to the Treasury expecting to redeem their bonds and to be paid in gold; General William Tecumseh Sherman was most annoyed by their expectation that they would be paid back in gold.

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