Day 2 Alignment Matias De Stefano

1 month ago

Sit comfortably. We concentrate. We focus on our task. We don’t write. Close your eyes. First I am going to feel the physical body, try to feel comfortable in every joint. Before I go into the meditation position I start to move the body, the joints, massaging the body. As I get relaxed, I become aware of my breathing. Always through the nose. Inhale and exhale through the nose. I focus on my breathing, going with oxygen through all my body. I become aware of every organ, every muscle, every bone. I breathe very deep, recognising all my physical body. I focus my attention on the part of my body that I feel the most. Whether it is for pain, uncomfortable or feeling good or pleasure. I become aware of this part of my body. I just bring it into the present. I become aware of the oxygen transforming itself into energy through all my body. This energy is all the emotion that lives in me. Without judgement I allow myself to feel the warm energies in my body, the cold energies in my body, all the sensations that I have, due to the energy, the emotions. No judgement, I bring my attention to the first emotion that I feel in my body. I recognise it. I observe it. In this moment without judgement, I just think the first thought that comes across my mind. It can be something silly, it doesn’t matter. I hold that idea. I give shape to it. I recognise it. Breathe in deep, breathe out. With my imagination or my physical hands I take these three concepts in front of me. I take this part of my body as a sphere. I take this emotion as a sphere and I take this thought as a sphere. No judgement. I take the three of them to the height of my third eye. With my eyes closed I observe them. I recognise that these three forces today represent my consciousness. I take a moment of contemplation to ask myself why these three concepts represents today my consciousness. I observe my contemplation. Softly with my physical hand I take the three of them towards my third eye. I take them until I find them in the core of my head. Take a deep breath. Contemplate within these three spheres. Be aware that these three forces are the tools to nourish the third eye. Are the forces that my higher-self gave me to work with today. I become aware of my energy from my higher self above my head. I breathe deep, allowing it to descend through my crown chakra. I become aware of this crown chakra, white violet and wide open towards every direction. I feel I think I imagine light coming down from the crown chakra towards the three spheres in the core of my head. I start to imagine how these spheres start to disappear, and to nourish the seed that you have inside your head. Observe these three spheres of your body your emotion and your mind, dissolving until they become one in the seed that is your third eye. And feel the light from the crown chakra coming down like clean water pouring down and watering the seed of the third eye. Take a deep breath and with all the air inside of you I activate the sound that activates the portal of my consciousness. Mmmm Ahh. Keep pronouncing it each time after breathing. Feel the vibration inside your brain in your third eye. Maybe the vibration isn’t comfortable in the beginning, meeting the eyes. Look for the position of the sound until you can feel it vibrating the third eye. Breathe deep. I start the feel the seed of my third eye, how it’s opening with a deep blue indigo colour. I feel I imagine this flower opening towards every direction. Like a sphere in every direction. A sphere flower inside my head. I become aware that from that flower comes every projection of myself. Everything I see projected from the outside. My eyes contemplate the flower is observing. So I activate the potential of this flower. Take a deep breathe. “I am” the portal of awareness. “I am” the portal of awareness. “I am” the portal of awareness. Jo Puelo “I can” Jo Puelo “I can” Jo Puelo “I can”. I become aware right now that everything that I observe in the external world is the projection of my inner sight. I am the portal of awareness “I can”. And now I observe all the flowers that are blossoming along the whole network of consciousness. We are all fractals. We all are projections of the consciousness. Softly I caress my forehead, my eyes, my ears, my nose. I make a subtle massage to the eyebrows, to the ears, the cheeks. And softly I start to caress all my body from the head to the ground, discharging all the static of my third eye. And when I reach the feet I massage my body. Softly I open my eyes. I stretch. I yawn. And I come back here and now. Welcome everybody to the third eye. Thank you. We will find each other again tomorrow at the same time for the throat chakra. Thank you for being.

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