Trump Was Chosen To Facilitate The Transition To The New World Order

9 months ago

It's not what Trump does in the open. It's what he does behind the scenes that matters.
The Deep State plans centuries in advance. They know our human nature and what we yearn for and Trump has been groomed for this particular time in history. It’s the perfect deception It’s your 5d chess, it’s all a show and the director is the Davos crowd.

Notice that there’s no other logical choice for the 2024 election? A perfect set up.

They flaunt victory in your face while everyone sits enjoying the show as they march us to the slaughter.

6.66 billion was spent for the Q psyop operation and its operatives the “White Hats”

The Phil Godlewski’s info about the 300 trillion is what the Deep State paid themselves for the GREAT RESET. There’s no Nesara Gesara for us. It’s all for them.

When Trump traveled all over the world early in his presidency, it was to unify all governments for this Great Reset. I seriously recommend that you share this to OUR LAST LINE OF DEFENSE, THE MILITIA.

The tragedy in Maui has caused me to pause and ask some very important hard questions.
1. How could Space Force not know that this was going to happen?
2. Why did the military stationed in Maui and Kuai not interfere?
3. Why did the military that's stationed all over the world not interfere?
4. Did the military in Maui and Kuai do this?
5. Why is Oprah still walking around buying property in Hawaii?
6. Is this the new 911 that will stop the Nesara Gesara and propel the Deep State to their next phase of the NWO?
7. Is the perfect storm and 5d chess psyop being perpetrated on we the people?
8. The proof that the 2020 election was stolen was available to us right after it
happen. Mike Lindell had every cyber detail on other countries having access to
the dominion machines not to mention the 2000 mules! Why did Trump put them on hold?
9. How long did we wait for Bill Barr just to find out he was a Deep State Operative?
10. What happened to Mr Punisher John Durham?
11. Day after day, week after week, month after month and 3 years later is the same
"trust the plan" "Gesara Nesara happening next week" "fasten your seat belts"
"its happening" "its going down" and yet nothing happens?
12. Why wait for everyone to wake up and wait to be at the brink of destruction
while millions are being killed through vaccines and deep state related events
such as Hawaii?
The entire country's FEMA Camps are now ready for the influx of American citizens.

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