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Saved From The Wrath Of God!!!

10 months ago

Here is an aspect of the reality of salvation that people often overlook, we were facing God’s wrath and yet He made a way for us to be rescued from it. The reality of God’s desire to save us yet His need to remain just show that we often misunderstand the great lengths God went to on our behalf long before we ever asked for His help.

Romans 5:1-11
Tuesday Night Men's Bible Study

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  • I started making videos to share with my family and friends. I recommend everyone spreading the message this way. Here is one I’ve shared https://rumble.com/v2tv990-god-wrath-is-coming.html

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  • What is truly interesting, if people today stopped with their claims of that is not what that means, and start to look at what is actually written people would begin to wake up to the truth of God. Interesting, we are not appointed to any wrath, yet people only claim God's wrath, because that is what people are taught. Jesus is the restrainer who goes away, but people do not want to believe because they are taught the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us to continue His works and help others and preach the truth of His WOrd, but people today claim that is not what Jesus means and they can believe and teach anything they want. Then people wonder why the world is in such bad shape. We are to follow God and believe what He says only, while denouncing the world's religion and what they claim But for some reason, times are truly backwards, and hate for God's true Word is evidence. When people hate Ephesians 2:8-12, but only love 8-9. When people double talk about the Son of Man between Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 when Luke 17:21-28 and Matthew 24:37-44 says the exact same things. Then the fig tree scriptures also. But the common excuse to not believe is that is not what God means, even though He says the same thing words over 3 times.

  • ❤️🙏