Coming Back To The Basics of Christmas - 12/18/2022

9 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

Coming Back To The Basics of Christmas - (Isaiah 9.2-7)

1. Jesus Is The Gift - (2 Corinthians 9.15) (John 3.16)

2. Love - (1 John 4.7-8) (Matthew 27.46) (Habakkuk 1.13) (Psalm 22.1) (1 John 4.10)

3. Peace - (Luke 2.13-14)

Peace Translated In Hebrew In The Old Testament:
Shalom: Calm and tranquility of individuals, groups, and nations - a blessing
Peace Translated In Greek In The New Testament:
Eirene: Unity and accord
Deeper Meaning - The spiritual harmony brought about by an individual's restoration of God
(John 16.13) (Philippians 4.6-7)

"We venture to assert, that if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Savior was born, it is the 25th of December. Regarding not the day, let us, nevertheless, give thanks to God for the gift of His dear Son." - Charles Spurgeon

"Infinite, and an infant. Eternal, and yet born of a woman. Almighty, and yet hanging on a woman's breast. Supporting a universe, and yet needing to be carried in a mother's arms. King of angels, and yet the reputed son of Joseph. Heir of all things, and yet the carpenter's despised son." - Charles Spurgeon

"The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught to like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as this truth of the Incarnation." J. I. Packer

"He was created of mother whom He created. He was carried by hands that He formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy, He the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute." - Augustine

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