To Aer is Human - Confessions Bk.10 Chs.5-6

3 months ago

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the wisdom of the ages? Join us for another captivating session of Midweek Refuel, where we delve into the profound writings of Augustine and unlock the secrets of sacred wisdom.

In this week's episode, we explore Confessions Book 10, Chapters 5-6, where Augustine's insights are as rich and deep as the ocean. From epistemology to apophatic theology, Augustine takes us on a voyage through the realms of thought that will challenge and inspire your intellect.

But fear not, fellow travelers, for we are here to guide you through the dense thickets of theological discourse. Our expert analysis will illuminate the esoteric concepts, providing you with a foothold to scale the mountain of sacred wisdom.

Do you remember the feeling of the church in the 1980s? The atmosphere where blind faith was revered and questioning was discouraged? Our journey through Augustine's writings challenges this notion, inviting you to engage your mind and seek understanding.

Join us as we ponder the mysteries of existence and the nature of God Himself. Augustine reminds us that the search for truth is like a game of hide and seek, where every question draws us closer to the divine presence.

But beware, for in the pursuit of knowledge, we may discover that our hearts are entangled with worldly desires. Are you so in love with the wrong things that you fail to see the divine presence that surrounds you?

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