Lie$, Fraud, deceit, murder, & corruption

11 months ago

We the People of These united states of America, must pick up where Louis McFadden, left off with this 32 page letter read before Congress on May 23rd 1933, charging the Federal Reserve under the International Monetary Fund; which is coming straight from the Council on Foreign Relations. We must carry out every last charge that McFadden laid out to charge these International criminals.'s%20Speech.pdf

We the People of The United States of America must charge every last man and woman involved in this fraud, criminal conversion, and Fraud,
AND hang every last wo/man operating this unlawful system of $lavery on these shores, as it goes against the very fabric of Our common law!

Ignorance of the law is no excuse!

We the People must restore Our Republic, if We are going to move forward correctly. Otherwise, expect more of the same.

Recognize Fraud when you see it.
Comprehend that fraud vitiates all!
Understand that any and all rules, laws, ordinances, statutes, codes, act... are not law and are repugnant of the Constitution and therefore void!
Including but not limited to Every Single Order, Interpretation, and Ruling, ever put forth buy every single AdMINISTRator masquerading as a judge and AdMINISTRative Hearing masquerading as a Judicial Court!

Every Single Civil Law Case- is Void!

Civil Law is not American Law & is repugnant to Our Constitution and is Void!!!
Not voidable,

We have Our Declaration of Independence and Our 1776 Constitution~

which is first in line-first in time!

Law is all about intent, and Jefferson's original unreacted version of the Declaration of Independence, speaks volumes and Jefferson intended to include All the People
Men, Woman, and People of Color=All the People.
And Justice for all!
To the Republic for which We stand!
Their corporate Demon-cracy ( demon rule) is not Our American Law, not even close!

America needs to perform an Exorcism of these Black Death ministers!

Join me in Restoring Our Republic!
find out how at: to find out how to restore your state and come back home to Our Republic which honors the Treaties, where We once belong.
Mind you all, We must honor Our Treaties with the original People of this Land, that We may walk in harmony and strive for balance, as We have a lot of healing to do to restore this land and her living waters. Time to throw off these forced religions and their corporatization$ and graven images!

May the People of the world wake up to these lies that these demons are perpetrating, and may the People of the world celebrate a life of freedom for all!

Once and for All!!!

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