5 Ingredients That Control High Blood Sugar

10 months ago

5 Ingredients That Control High Blood Sugar


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Small amounts of certain ingredients can have a huge impact on your glucose regulation. What are the 5 best foods that control high blood sugar?

1) Walnuts aren’t just high in protein, they are provide beneficial POLYUNSATURATED and MONOUNSATURATED FATS - especially OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS, specifically ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID, or A.L.A. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggested that consumption of ALA may reduce the risk of heart disease for type 2 diabetics. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that walnuts helped prediabetic participants improve their insulin sensitivity.

2) Raspberries are an excellent source of SOLUBLE FIBER. This form of fiber forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which helps to slow digestion, and the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which helps to stabilize post-meal glucose levels. They are also rich in other bioactive antioxidant compounds, including QUERCETIN and ELLAGIC ACID, which have been found to lower blood glucose, liver glucose, and insulin resistance.

3) Broccoli contains just 6 grams of carbohydrates per one-cup serving, with 2.5 grams of glucose-stabilizing fiber, along with 2.6 grams of digestion-slowing PROTEIN. Broccoli is also an excellent source of SULFORAPHANE, a sulfur-rich compound that has been shown to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and fat accumulation in the liver, thus lowering the risk of diabetes-related fatty liver disease.

4) Cinnamon is packed with powerful antioxidants, including CHOLINE, a water-soluble compound that helps remove cholesterol from the liver, BETA CAROTENE, a carotenoid that can reduce the risk of age and diabetes-related macular degeneration, and CINNAMALDEHYDE, which has been shown to provide antifungal and antibacterial properties. It has also been found to reduce diabetes-related inflammation. Other studies suggest cinnamaldehyde can help prevent the advancement of high blood pressure for type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

5) Kimchi is a nutrition-packed dish, made with cabbage and other fiber-rich, blood sugar-aiding vegetables, like beets, carrots, cucumber, eggplant, radish, and spinach. It is also seasoned with other nutritionally-dense ingredients, like garlic, ginger, and chili pepper. The process of fermenting kimchi makes it rich in PROBIOTICS – which have been found to aid gut health. Studies suggest that improving the health of the gut microbiome can contribute to increased insulin sensitivity and better glucose regulation.


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