Watters: We’ve Discovered ‘Trans-Days Take up Half the Year’

9 months ago

>> Jesse: anyone can create their own day and tomorrow is national peanut butter and jelly sandwich day and we are serious and is also a national ferret day and also national do-it-yourself day which got felt celebrates far too often and Barack Obama was the president for the first eight days of visibility in one of those days was Easter Sunday and Obama do not on any proclamations and only started under Biden’s and the geniuses at the Biden White House are either too stupid to realize what they’re doing or doing it on purpose as Biden was asked about what he did it and he said “I didn’t do it.” So was either a puppet or he’s lying. If the president doesn’t care if they have a date to themselves, have a date or a month and also pride month is for right? We discovered trans Jay take up half of the year. They have transgender day of visibility, transgender day of visibility, transgender awareness week, trans awareness month and transparent day. International day against homophobia, biphobia and trans phobia. LGBTQ history month, month awareness week, international day of Pink, day of silence for trans bullying. Lesbian visibility week. A gender pride day pansexual and pen romantic awareness day, stonewall day, international LGBTQ plus day, international nonbinary people day and international drug day. Bisexual awareness week, celebrate bisexuality day, international lesbian day, gender fluid visibility week, spirit day, intersects awareness day, intersex Dave awareness and I could go on. They dominate the calendar we can’t have one day for Easter? And if you raise the issue we are pouncing? Trans Easter is now a thing but Trump asking for prayer is tacky? I don’t know about you but I don’t think the trans community is suffering from a lack of visibility. It’s all we see.

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