When Satan Was Cast Down to This Earth (2024)

9 months ago

Several decades ago, God cast Satan down from heaven and confined him to Earth. Understand why Satan and millions of demons were cast down—and the only way to defeat them.

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When God cast Satan down to Earth in 1986, Satan turned his rage first of all against God’s one true Church. Practically overnight, the Worldwide Church of God underwent a total transformation from an utterly unique church proclaiming the little-understood truth of the Bible, to just any old mainstream group. Doctrine by doctrine, traitorous leaders inside the church crushed the faith of God’s people. It was the greatest tragedy in the two-millennium history of God’s Church.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today to expose how Satan tore apart the WCG after Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986. Prove from your Bible that God allowed such devastation to test the loyalty of His people. Understand how the biblical book of Malachi foretold this monstrous betrayal.

Study Malachi’s Message to grasp how God set His Church back on the right track.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Overcoming Satan. The biblical book of Revelation warns that Satan the devil was cast down and confined to Earth in this end time. God kicked him and millions of demons out of heaven, and now they are stuck here on our planet! For proof, just look around—in the past few decades, the world has radically increased in violence, chaos and perversion.

Study Overcoming Satan for the unseen reason why world conditions continue to deteriorate at a rapid pace. Learn from the tragic history of Lucifer’s rebellion and transformation into Satan. Discover the many deceptive ways he attacks and seizes control of human minds. Understand how to fight Satan in your daily life—and win.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet January 16: God’s Miracle Day. On January 16, 1986, a mighty spiritual leader died. God remembers and commemorates the anniversary of the death of Herbert W. Armstrong. This is why so many notable events in the world and in God’s Church occur on or near January 16.

January 16 is a warning to mankind, particularly to God’s rebellious Church. January 16 is God’s miracle day! Study January 16: God’s Miracle Day to prove how special this day is to God—and how relevant it is to every human on Earth.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today, Overcoming Satan, January 16: God’s Miracle Day, and The True History of God's True Church. Order now!

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