GREEN GODDESS TONIC DRINK Immune Boosting Detoxifier

2 months ago

A (DIY) Do it Yourself Tonic Drink Recipe. A refreshing tonic drink made with cucumber, golden apple, dandelion green leaves, ginger, mint, lemon, honey,

The combination of cucumber and dandelion green leaves in this tonic drink acts as a powerful detoxifier for your body. These ingredients help flush out toxins, Cucumber, with its high water content, helps keep your body hydrated, and replenishes important electrolytes, promoting a healthier and more vibrant you. Dandelion green leaves possess anti-inflammatory properties, aids in reducing inflammation in the body.
Immune boosting golden apple, has a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins, works wonders for your immune system. This tonic drink helps strengthen your body's defense mechanisms, protecting you from common illnesses and promoting overall well-being.
A Recipe for Natural Health
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