Recognize God As Your Source

11 months ago

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When I was young and played football, my dad was my coach. He taught me a ton about how to play well on the offensive and defensive line. But as I got older and more experienced I started to realize my dad would give me less advice and instead send to me to my coaches. My dad had realized that he’d taught me all he could teach me and I was at a point where I needed to go to a more reliable source. A source that would challenge me more and in turn help me grow.

As I said Monday, there are lots of people and programs that want to tell you what to do with your money. And most are not bad. But, are you spending time with the most reliable source you have access (God’s Word)? Are you making sure the money advisors in your life are advising you according to God’s values? We can’t just rely on what human being tell us or encourage us to do. Human’s are broken and even when they mean good, they can unintentionally lead us astray.

So, it’s essential to go to the one place that will never lead us astray – God.

Go to him in prayer and go to his word asking for his wisdom in how we handle the resources he’s entrusted to us.

Proverbs 3:1-2 “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.”

I don’t know about you but I want that peace and prosperity and there’s only one place to get it. You know where that is? Yup, its from God and from his teaching. We’re called to keep His commands in our hearts.

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