The Jewish Genocide Gene - Them Pesky Palestinians Have To Dissapear...!

10 months ago

Because of the history of the Jews i believe that Genocide is in The DNA of The Jewish People from Wall St to the IDF and Netenyahu's government and many of Their Rabbi's..
WHY is America UK Europe and the whole of The UN unable to stop The Genocide of The Palestinaian People in Both Gaza and The West Bank..?
The oral histoy and documented history of the Jewish people alongside The Bible is full of the struggles of the Jewish People where they have prevailed and thrived. In that history there has been the Genocide and impoverishment of peoples and race's, and the Jewish people are proud of their history.
WATCH this video thru to the end and learn about The Noahide Laws and how they Autherise The Jewish People to bring about Genocied where they deem it Rightous.
The Jewish People are rigid in their belief They Are God's Chosen People and God has a plan for the other race's and people's on this planet (The rest of Humanity) to be Totally Subserviant To The Jewish People....
And if the rest of Humanity resist the Jewish people They Can Be Genocided according to the Noahide Laws of The Jewish People.... All Just My humble Opinion...

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