JEWISH CONFESSIONS: What the Jews really think about Non-Jews(Goy)

3 months ago

In this video Israeli Jews are asked if certain verses concerning non-Jews in the Talmud are true and what transpires during the interview was, to say the least, shocking...shocking that a Jew would reveal things that they normally refuse to say on camera out of fear that it will reach the eyes and ears of those they hate.

0:02:00 - Non-Jews (Goy) serve the Jews, and that each Jew will have 2800 slaves.
0:06:21 - Jews don't want the Goyim i.e. Non-Jews, to know or understand what's in the Talmud.
0:06:56 - The Jews pretend they don't know certain verses in their own bible (The Talmud)
0:08:11 - Jews forbidden to marry non-Jews.
0:09:56 - The old white haired Jew states that all non-Jews should be gassed.

The following statements in this video should be taken very seriously and not ignored. Orthodox Jews are not very open about their beliefs concerning non-Jews and are even more tight lipped when asked about their religious book The Talmud.

I apologize about the watermark in the video, but if you want to watch the video in it's entirety here it is....

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