#中共监狱式管理, #磨刀霍霍向牛洋:20240401《福克斯新闻》玛丽亚采访章家敦:中共出境禁令影响全方位,目的是强迫外方当事人及其家人。

6 months ago

#中共监狱式管理, #磨刀霍霍向牛洋:20240401《福克斯新闻》玛丽亚采访章家敦:中共出境禁令影响全方位,目的是强迫外方当事人及其家人。影响外国企业进入中共国或者进行新投资决策,但习近平在并未提及此事。(中英双语机器字幕)

Gordon Chang interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News about CCP’s exit ban: it’s actually affecting foreign business decisions about going into China or putting new investments there. But Xi Jinping hasn’t addressed that when he met American business executives and CEOs. The purpose of CCP’s exit ban is to force the foreign party to reach a settlement. It's not just a ban on affected parties. but also their families. So this is just comprehensive.

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