Gordon Chang: Syngenta Withdraws Shanghai IPO Plan Because China Market is in Distress

3 months ago

04/01/2024 Gordon Chang interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News: Syngenta withdrew its $9 billion Shanghai IPO plan because the Chinese market is in distress, and it's not a good idea to IPO in Communist China. But we also should not allow Chinese companies to list on U.S. exchanges because the Communist China we fund is trying to get at us.
04/01/2024 章家敦接受《福克斯新闻》采访:先正达撤回90亿美元上海IPO计划是因为中国市场正处于困境,在中共国上市并不是个好主意。但是我们也不应允许中资公司在美国交易所上市,因为我们资助的中共国却试图攻击我们。

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