No Age Ontology - Only the direct knowledge of Timeless Pure Being will distinguish humans from AI

10 months ago

“Only the mind can see the mind and the mind sees the mind by being the mind, so, which is the ending of duality and the end of subject object play”.
James Low

It is quite possible that in the future Artificial Intelligence will completely replace humans in many fields of knowledge. It might even be possible that humans will be able to program or somehow indirectly trigger some sort of ‘self-consciousness’ into the AI. There is an even more esoteric possibility that the self-grasping consciousness of living beings after death will take rebirth inside AI machinery. However, even if the AI will become ‘self-conscious’ and endowed with an almost infinite number of intelligent qualities it will always be tied to the knowledge of a consciousness which is self-grasping at an independent identity and will never be able to become aware of Timeless Awareness because for a self-grasping consciousness a timeless event is a non-existing event and therefore an unknowable event.

#illusion #liberation ⁠#time ⁠ ⁠#mind #self
#Artificial Intelligence #pure being

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here: 

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

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