What is VO2 Max & How Do You Increase Yours

8 months ago

What makes some runners faster than others? What distinguishes elite runners from recreational runners? The answer might lie in the concept of VO2max. Watch this video to understand the concept of VO2max.

Some of the factors that determine your VO2max are:

1. Age
With advancing age there is a progressive decrease in contractility, efficiency and fatigue resistance of the heart as well as skeletal muscles. You also lose muscle mass as you age and this constrains your ability to produce force.

2. Gender
Women have lower VO2max values as compared to men because of higher body fat content, smaller muscle mass as well as lower capacity for power generation in the muscles.

3. Change in altitude
As you go higher in altitude, there is a decrease in barometric pressure and oxygen content in the air. This in turn, means you breathe in less oxygen and hence it causes the VO2max to drop.

4. Fitness and training
VO2max is unique to each individual and based on your genetic background. Average athletes may have a VO2max that is between 35 and 45. It is possible to increase your VO2max but not by much. Healthy people, who train with a structured training program to improve their endurance, can expect to improve their VO2max at any age. The increase in VO2max is approximately 10% – 15% from the base or initial value of a reasonably trained athlete. This percentage increase happens irrespective of how young or old you are when you start training.

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