Empower Generational Change: Shifting Leadership Paradigms with Dr. Richard Hodge

2 months ago

Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Hodge. I help people challenge their ways of thinking, leading and learning in a complex world. I help people increase their personal engagement by shifting ideas of leadership from positional power to working artfully with other people co-creating the generational change they seek. I like to leave people with a deep feeling there's #NoProblemTooBig to act on and leave the world better for what you’ve done.

The process instils hope in younger generations, exploring systemic methods to create their own future in ways that seek first to do no harm. I place heavy emphasis on education and mentoring new paradigms of thought and action for generational change so that people truly know what they stand for and stand for what they know.

Richard has a long career in the military as a scientist, in corporate life as a strategic consultant, and a GM in a global engineering firm. Richard has a PhD in systems approaches to strategy and execution in large enterprises. Over the last decade, he runs his own private consulting practice.

Contact Richard here:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/drrichardhodge
Website: www.DrRichardHodge.com
Email: Richard@DrRichardHodge.com

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