I Shall Speak Words Never Spoken Before | Zoroastrian Quotes from the Gathas of Zarathustra Spitama

2 months ago

This video offers a unique glimpse into the spiritual teachings of Zarathustra, also known as Zoroaster, the renowned prophet of one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, Zoroastrianism.

Who Was Zarathustra?
Zarathustra Spitama, known to the Greeks as Zoroaster, is a figure shrouded in the mists of ancient history. Believed to have lived between 1500 and 1000 BCE in the region that is now Iran, he was a spiritual leader and sage whose teachings challenged the existing beliefs of his time. He is credited with the authorship of the Gathas, the sacred hymns at the core of the Zoroastrian faith.

The Timeless Teachings of the Gathas
The Gathas are a collection of seventeen hymns that convey the core tenets of Zoroastrianism. Composed by Zarathustra, these verses encapsulate his revelations and expositions on the nature of existence, the cosmic struggle between good and evil, and the path toward righteousness and truth. The quotes in our video, drawn directly from these sacred texts, offer insights into the essence of good thoughts, words, and deeds — the triad that forms the foundation of Zoroastrian ethics.

The Path of Righteousness in Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrianism posits a monotheistic worldview centered around the worship of Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Wisdom. Zarathustra's teachings highlight the continuous battle between Asha (truth, righteousness) and Druj (deceit, falsehood), urging individuals to align with the forces of light through conscious moral choices. The religion preaches that humans play a crucial role in the cosmic order, with the potential to contribute to the eventual triumph of good over evil.

Embodying Good Thought, Words, and Deeds
This video sheds light on Zarathustra's call for personal accountability and the significance of purity in thought, speech, and action. The Gathas speak to the transformative power of aligning oneself with Good Thought, as it leads to righteous Words and noble Deeds. The prophet’s words, still relevant today, encourage us to embody these principles in our daily lives.

"I Shall Sing You Songs No One Has Sung Before"
Zarathustra's commitment to sharing the wisdom revealed to him by Ahura Mazda is encapsulated in the quote, "I shall sing you songs no one has sung before." His voice, echoing across the ages, invites us to partake in a spiritual odyssey that transcends conventional understanding and guides us toward a higher purpose.

The Seeker's Ascent to Serenity
The chosen excerpts from the Gathas reveal a pathway to serenity through self-dominance, an internal mastery that leads to the divine realm of Mazda Ahura. The seeker, empowered by Good Thought and steadfast in Righteousness, is promised a place in the immortal abode, reflecting the ultimate goal of unity with the divine.

Embracing the Divine Doctrine
In the embrace of the doctrine established by Ahura Mazda, one finds true beneficence and spiritual elevation. Zarathustra's decision to join with Good Thought signifies a break from wrongdoers and a commitment to the path of light. The video highlights this dichotomy, illustrating the stark contrast between the righteous and those led astray by deceit.

The Luminous Gift of Wisdom
The video emphasizes that wisdom and enlightenment are born from Good Thought. As Zarathustra recognized Ahura Mazda as the creator and sustainer of existence, he urged followers to engage in contemplation and attunement to divine guidance. The Gathas express this revelation as a personal and universal truth that can lead humanity to the ultimate joy of both the physical and the spiritual realms.

Overcoming Deception with Radiance
The radiant side of existence, according to Zarathustra, triumphs over deception. The Gathas encourage overcoming the deceivers' guile by clinging to the tenets of Good Thought and Righteousness. The video brings to life these powerful concepts, demonstrating how one can navigate life's challenges with integrity and spiritual clarity.

The Doctrine of Ahura Mazda's Light
Zarathustra's vision of the world illuminated by the light of Ahura Mazda carries with it the promise of wisdom's dawn. It is this light that dispels the shadows of deceit and guides the faithful towards an existence marked by divine favor and spiritual prosperity.

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