The News/Anxiety Connection - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment

6 months ago

Whats happening on the news isn't happening to you…its happening somewhere else, and all types of shit is happening somewhere else…the news is just curating the most negative and depressing aspects of the world and beaming them directly into your fucking head in HD. It’s a daily black pill presented to you by people with a negative worldview. I really do not enjoy talking to the habitual news watcher. “Did you hear about this”, Did you hear about that?” “Did you read the whoever report?” No I didn’t because Im trying to make money, smoke weed and fuck my wife…and that’s really taking all of my time and energy right now, so if there wasn’t anything on there about that then I don’t give a fuck.
The real problem with the media is that the things that your brain has evolved to fear aren’t really happening anymore but that hasn’t ended fear as a psychological state or fear as a concept. Your brain still fears for survival and it projects fear onto almost every situation you encounter and our media, politicians and activists, they understand this and they purposefully try to create fear and hysteria by painting every situation as if it was some kind of fucking existential crisis, or threat to democracy, or the planet, or life as we know it…it’s actually their business model and even tho it’s pretty much always a lie people still believe it, which literally (consciously or subconsciously) makes them fear for their safety and when you fear for your safety your body’s like “oh fuck” “time to dose this mother fucker” and it pulls back the plunger on 500ng of adrenaline but because none of the shit that they warn us about actually ever happens and sends you running for the hills or fighting for your life your body never gets to push the plunger down and use all that potential energy and now its just stuck inside you left to slowly leak out into your bloodstream raising your heart rate and your blood pressure and Corroding and fraying your nervous system from the inside out causing a constant state of anxiety. Excess adrenaline piles up like excess calories but instead of getting fat you get anxious.

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