RECORDING LIVE!! Unlawful Sheriff Foreclosure Sale

11 months ago

Kat Espinda from One New Earth has been in the fight to claim her allodial title in order to block the unlawful foreclosure of her home!

Everything about this is UNLAWFUL!!

Listen to the play by play from industry expert Ron Gibson from the American Meeting Group as he gives us the real truth about land grabs in America!

This is not just happening to a few people, it's happening EVERYWHERE and they have already claimed YOUR LAND TOO!

Keep watching for the pre-interview and the post-interviews from Kat and our DEJURE, STAND IN Sheriff for Orange County and Kat's power of attorney, Lenka Kaloma!

Here is an overview of Kat's news story:

Here is the land patent for Kat's Property:

Check out Kat's Rumble channel for ongoing updates:

To learn more about how to get your land patent with Ron Gibson:

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