The military alliance have control. We are near endgame - with Michelle Fielding

9 months ago

The AJ Roberts Show -

Possible chain of events leading to a transitional new form of government in the USA:

As the USA November 2024 election day approaches, many events and issues surrounding the election will become confusing.
Various undisclosed circumstances will likely cause the November 2024 USA election to be postponed or cancelled.
One such circumstance could be the disclosure of the corrupt faction of the soon-to-be-departed US government’s hand in manipulation of the last election – among other disclosures.
Trump’s allowance and disallowance on state-by-state voting ballots will cause an essential disruption to the stability and uniformity of the national voting system that will significantly be the cause of the election’s postponement or cancellation.
When this occurs, the US will go undergo swift transition to a “devolution of government” ensuring the Continuity of Government (COG) principles as defined by the FEMA document “Guide to Continuity of Government”

The US will be under the administration of martial law, but implemented in a not-so-obvious way so as not to cause people distress or to panic.
Technological systems will be used to assist in the running of this transitional form of government, with cybersecurity being overseen US Space Force’s Space Operations Command (SpOC).
The transitional government will essentially appear to be a thinned-down framework of the USA’s currently existing tricameral government, with narrowly defined “essential” governmental functions. Some of the details of the transitional government are as follows:

This will be the general outline of functions carried out by this transitional government:

One crucial difference in day-to-day operations of the country will be that this will be a new system of “governance” and not “government” as was done previously. Namely, local governance bodies and the individual people themselves will have a much stronger hand in carrying out essential functions more than ever before.
Rather than have a single leader for the country, there would be a kind of council of prominent former political leaders and presidential candidates.
Note: This aligns with a statement made by President Trump in one of his speeches that in the future there would no longer be presidents or single leaders of countries, but “councils”.
Prominent people such as actors, musicians, doctors will assist in promoting governance and educating the people on how to perform essential services for themselves and their communities.
Trump will have a prominent role in this new governance, but emphasis will be on local communities banding together in formulation and implementation of local policies for essential services.
Future elections’ emphasis will be on voting for policy, and not for candidates.
Another primary difference in this new system is that where people were used to being led by third-parties with self-interests in mind that did not necessarily serve the people – the new system will emphasize self-governance on the local level.
Initially, this new system will bring forth uncertainty among many people, as many people are used to their lives being led by others, i.e. “leaders”. People may become frustrated or angry at what they perceive of society and governance in the midst of apparent undirected (chaotic?) operation. There may be pockets of extreme reaction to this new system, but this is a part of the transition process.
The intent will be to allow systems on the surface to run in a business-as-usual manner, but the financial system will be fundamentally restructured. Disbursement of finances at first will be overseen by the military through the continuity of government/governance.
At first, the system will operate curiously as two separate government/governance paradigms, which will in part contribute to the aforementioned frustration or lack of clarity. The “transitioning-from” government will be centralized, and the “transitioning-to” governance will be decentralized (localized).
The Truth Social platform is a military platform to be used as a broadcast mechanism for information.
The Truth Social platform will assist in disseminating information on an “effective conservative administration” based on four pillars:
policy agenda
presidential personnel database
presidential administration academy
playbook for the first 180 days of the next administration
Trump recently changed his social media picture background showing the military in the background, done so to signify:
He is Commander in Chief
The country is under military law
The country is under Continuity of Governance
Trump was brought in as a sting operation while the corrupt political and financial systems were collapsed to make way for the new transitional governance.
The media is being restructured to allow for freedom of speech.
Worldwide peace plan.
Project 25.
Quantum Virtual Vault (QVV).
One world centralized government under Agenda 2030 is no longer an option:

Basic features of the Worldwide Peace Plan:

Open borders for travel using digital passports in conjunction with a “quantum border” monitor immigration administered under a restructured Department of Homeland Security (DHS), unlike the current form of unmonitored and chaotic open borders under Biden.
Old paper-based passport systems will eventually be replaced by a new biometric identification.
No further major wars, but Israel will be a “cleaning up operation”. Various random false-flag events will arise.

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