We Cry for the Palestinians | 'Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss' | Interview

2 months ago

Let God set you free and break the chains of "the traditions of the elders"
that only enslave you and your family. Jesus Christ IS the Messiah, you are set free, now "the traditions" don't enslave you anymore. They want us to fight each other do not let them devide us.
There is nothing new under the sun.. Prophecy was fulfilled Ezekiel speaks of it. they are trying to bring heaven on earth mocking our Lord. There is a deception for all who do not understand. the world will never end. God did heal our covanant with Jesus Christ we are the temple of God, the kingdom of God is not of this earth.

they have been lied to from the people that want to keep them without Jesus. There are two factions those that are decieved and those that are using the name to take advantage of others.
The Christains are decieved as well because Godcompleated his prophecies long ago this is man made deception.
Ezekiel talks about it the destruction of Jeruselem after God brought them back together. Isreal is a people not a place.

1. Born In Gaza
The violence of the Israel-Palestine conflict and its repercussions on Gaza's youth are the main subjects of this documentary. Following the trauma of the conflict in Gaza that occurred in the summer of 2014, the documentary tells the narrative of roughly ten youngsters who describe their daily lives.

Watch Born in Gaza | Netflix

Filmed shortly after the 2014 Gaza war, this documentary examines how violence has transformed the lives of 10 Palestinian children


2. Ghost Hunting
A group of Palestinians who were detained by Israel are gathered to reenact their ordeal in an effort to move past it.

3. Gaza Fights For Freedom
Exclusive video from the Great March of Return protests, which resulted in the deaths of 200 unarmed civilians.

4. The Gatekeepers
In-depth interviews, archival material, and computer animation are all used in the movie to recount the part the organization played in ensuring Israel's security from the Six-Day War until the present.

5. The Law In These Parts
The development of Israel's military justice system in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which are part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

6. Frontiers of Dreams and Fears
In this film, despite the challenges provided by history and circumstance, two Palestinian girls who attend the same cultural center remain close friends.

7. Tantura
In 1948, hundreds of Palestinian villages lost their inhabitants. Palestinians refer to it as "Al Nakba," the Catastrophe, while Israelis refer to it as the War of Independence.

8. Censored Voices
As a harsh reminder of how distant the region is from the peace they wish for, Censored Voices blends original recordings of troops discussing their worries and misgivings after Israel's 1967 Six-Day War with archival newsreel footage.

9. Tears Of Gaza
The destruction caused by Israel's bombing of Gaza in the winter of 2008 is terrible for the local women and children. Food, water, money, and electric

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