Taking the battle to Harvard | Harvard university launch of Snakes in the Ganga

10 months ago

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Taking the battle to Harvard | Harvard university launch of Snakes in the Ganga


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:44 Rajiv's books
00:04:30 BI 1.0 outdated
00:06:33 Harvard & digestion
00:08:03 Hinduphobia & digestion
00:10:14 Breaking Hinduism
00:12:21 Victimhood
00:15:07 Equity X equality
00:16:47 Rationality X Subjective Experience
00:18:04 Cancel Culture
00:21:14 Dalits & atrocity literature
00:22:16 Individualism X collectivism
00:24:41 Svadharma
00:27:25 Dismantling religions
00:29:01 Hindutva
00:31:24 Conclusion
00:32:50 Victimhood X compassion
00:34:07 Avoiding political identification
00:34:58 Karma: collective x individual
00:37:49 Q1 - how to transcend politics?
00:38:56 Q2 - neglected Indian contributions?
00:43:12 Q3 - examples of discrimination
00:46:34 Further debate needed
00:49:15 Humanities in India
00:50:49 Equal opportunities to all refugees?
00:52:19 Humanitarian issues
00:53:50 Bias in defining refugees
00:55:31 Q4 - Dharma X Religion
00:59:28 Final words

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