194: Marcus Singletary on Launching Community Days

8 months ago

In this conversation with Marcus Singletary of Cloaked Entry Co, we start with inconsistencies in the culture when it comes to Chinese Optics and using your job as an excuse to act immorally. The scathing first half is contrasted by a conversation about community days, with Marcus providing an after-action review of their most recent community event, lessons learned, and how to go about it.

Cloaked Entry Co provides instruction and tools for better maneuvering the world around us. Marcus has appeared as a guest on the REDACTED Culture Cast to talk about the importance of having options in the field, as well as the difference between different types of covert and serrupticious entry.

This Episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.com
Follow Obsidian Arms on Instagram at @obsidianarms

Follow Marcus on Instagram @skypirate_actual
Check out Cloaked Entry Co at www.cloakedentryco.com

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