NBC’s Welker on Biden’s Fundraising Event: It Was Clear that This Is Now Going To Be an All-Hands-On Deck Effort by Dems to Get Biden Re-Elected

3 months ago

GEIST: “Kristen, good morning. It’s great to see you. So, as Allie just said, both campaigns raising a ton of money. President Biden had that event at Radio City Music Hall with Presidents Obama and Clinton that raised a bucketful of money. Donald Trump doing the same later, also selling sneakers, now selling Bibles, and, as Allie also said, using some of the money to pay his legal bills. So who has the fund-raising advantage at this early stage?”
WELKER: “Willie, happy Easter. At this point in time, look, President Biden has the fund-raising advantage. He also has more money in his war chest, but we know that money doesn’t always translate into victory. What was significant about what we saw this week is it was clear that this is now going to be an all-hands-on-deck effort by Democrats to try to get President Biden re-elected. The fact that you had former Presidents Obama and Clinton joining him for that fund-raising event clearly aimed at energizing the base. And I go back to 2012, when then President Obama was in the political fight of his life, and former President Clinton came out on the campaign trail to make the case for him. That made a difference. My question, Willie, how frequently will we see these presidents out on the campaign trail? Can they help to energize moderates and independent voters? I think that’s where the difference could be made, Willie.”
GEIST: “Clearly, Democrats trying to show united front there the other night at Radio City. Kristen, thanks so much, and a very happy Easter to you. We will look for more this morning on ‘Meet the Press.’”

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