Jeremy Hammond & Will Hild on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 29 March 2024

10 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Jeremy R. Hammond is an independent journalist and author who exposes dangerous propaganda serving to manufacture consent for criminal government policies, particularly in US foreign policy, economic freedom, and health freedom. His books include OBSTACLE TO PEACE: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; THE WAR ON INFORMED CONSENT: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon Medical Board, and THE NY TIMES VERSUS ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR: How the Mainstream Media Spread Vaccine Misinformation.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Will Hild is the Executive Director of Consumers’ Research. Will has a decade of non-profit, legal and public policy experience. Prior to joining CR, Will served as the Deputy Director of the Regulatory Transparency Project. Before that, he worked at the Philanthropy Roundtable as the Director of External Affairs for the Culture of Freedom Initiative, and as the Chief Operating Officer of that Initiative when it grew to become a separate organization. He helped co-found the public interest law firm, Cause of Action, and served as the firm’s acting communications director for nearly a year.

Will received his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Florida. He is licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Will resides in Bethesda, MD, with his wife Cheryl, a practicing OB/GYN, and their son Liam.

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