This is how Western medicine was founded

3 months ago

You can't talk about Western medicine, and how it all started, without talking about ONE MAN AND ONE MAN ONLY:

"So in 1872, Rockefeller bought up, shut down, or bankrupted 90% of the oil companies. Our good old constitution came into place. In 1911, the Supreme Court found Rockefeller in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and split Standard Oil into 34 independent companies. So they said, you can't have the monopoly on this, you're done.

You think that changed who he was? No. He promised to bankrupt America.

At that very same time, they were learning how to turn petrochemicals, exactly what he had at his fingertips with the oil, into pharmaceuticals.

Now, John D. Rockefeller's biggest threat was natural health. So what does he do? Being the businessman he is, he donates money to the medical schools because he wants to control them.

And what do you do when you want to control someone? You give him money.

Then he hired a guy by the name of Flexner to study the school's curriculum, to figure out what they were teaching everybody, and to persuade the government to establish allopathic medicine, which used unnatural substances to treat diseases.

This is how Western medicine was founded."

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