Dragon's Dogma 2 Cyclops Abridged Achievement & Trophy Guide - Crossing a Cyclopean Bridge

11 months ago

Dragon's Dogma 2 guide showing how to create and cross a cyclopean bridge needed for the Cyclops Abridged achievement or trophy.

Occasionally a cyclops will spawn next to a small gorge without a bridge. When this happens, the cyclops will stretch itself across the gap, forming a temporary bridge. Once this happens, quickly cross over the cyclops to unlock the achievement or trophy. If you wait too long, the cyclops will pull itself up on the other side of the gap.

Travel to the following location and get the attention of the Cyclops. Next, run to the broken bridge and jump across the gap. Keep baiting the creature and it will make a bridge to try reaching you. As soon as the bridge is created, cross the bridge and the achievement/trophy will pop. This is easier to do if you don’t have pawns with you. If there are NPCs fighting the cyclops, throw them over the edge.

Pawn ID: 4CM1X6Y5UVW4
Dragon's Dogma 2 Guide - https://tigorestips.com/guides/dragons-dogma-2-achievements-trophies-guide/

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