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![April 08 Solar Eclipse - DON’T BE AN APRIL FOOL ( Sacred Secret? )💫](
April 08 Solar Eclipse - DON’T BE AN APRIL FOOL ( Sacred Secret? )💫
Revelation 22:11✨
(Bible teaching found at the end of this.)
What will happen? ANYTHING? Decide after picking through these videos.
Rich headed underground, schools closing, national guard activated, advised to stock up and fill up with gas, etc. NTL in these videos (and one not included)
signals a HUGE event or events. EMP over Kansas, Communications shut down, banks not accessible, great quake on New Madrid fault line, BROKEN BOW HAZMAT (symbology there!), Chinese attack Taiwan, Earth begins to wobble off axis, cutting days short, NYC nuked, fulfillment of Revelation 8:7. Are you prepared mentally and spiritually, even if nothing HUGE happens?
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Posted OCTOBER 2023
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What to expect to see & Viewing SAFELY!
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Right after April 08 OR the eclipse
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The filthy rich elites KNOW SOMETHING
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Q drop
Schools close, national guard activated, stock up
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CERN firing up on April 08 and Passover April 22
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Strange Biblical correlations
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Curse or BLESSING?
A comet enters the scene
April Showers - what to expect 2024 - a quickening of dramatic events.
< > High Cliff latter Mar. 2024
High Cliff Jan. 2024
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10 months ago - BABYLON Killing Fields - Fattening of the Calf
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CHINA must attack TAIWAN before May-June Typhoon Season = APRIL!
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Bo Polny prediction for 2023 ( would be prophet? )
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Dec. 2023 JUAN O SAVIN - "other WMDs" - TWILIGHT ZONE
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short version < >
longer short < >
How many “books”, or scrolls, are contained within
the final book of the “Holy Bible”, or Sacred Scriptures?
How many letters are found within the Hebrew alphabet, or aleph-beth?
It’s been discovered and proven that the NT was
originally written in Hebrew, later translated into Greek, with some notable difficulty.
All “books” have been found, save for one;
How many times, over many past years, have such
pseudo-intellectual, self-assuming, supposedly spiritually enlightened ones have been suffered with endurance, falling short of wisdom, even in their
amount of understanding?
Their uppity attitudes and comments are far too wide
spread and varied to ever dare be able to be listed.
Some are very well-meaning, although they include
many poor shepherds, along with wolves disguised in sheepskins. So very many would-be shepherds, also.
Those whom are self-appointed, rather than commissioned by the “Holy Spirit”, or Sacred Spirit of
Instead, their ego is wrapped up within having a need
to prove something of themselves and their stubborn
Let’s rephrase that, and repeat, again, so that it might
sink into the minds and hearts of those souls.
Their stubborn need to reprove themselves and their
erred beliefs are wrapped up, within ego.
However, this is a fault that virtually all humans face.
Forgive them, Father, they don’t realize what they are
As for the wolves, goats and poisonous vipers,
those who knowingly abuse your Word, let them be
punished, according to their works.
Yet, as for those of us who are touchy donkeys and
stubborn mules, as lost sheep, be given a little more time
to be corrected and disciplined.
We must pray that the Messiah might give us one
more delay!
( 10:6 )
May there be just enough time left remaining for one,
last, great revival of Truth!
Yes, for a greater first resurrection and harvest.
One, mild example;
Someone asked,
“Why do you say ‘Revelations’ (plural), when it is
To trifle over such minor details is silly and shows
Have you not heard it said, as written,
“Those guilty of little faith is also guilty of much”?
( Luke 16:10 )
This applies to many aspects of faith, including
failure to keep the least of the Laws.
The greatest of the Laws is the Law of Love.
Love suffers such persons, by answering them with
poignant points of logical simplicity.
How many revelations are found within “Revelation”?
So, the same rule applies to arguing or debating over
such minor details, having no real worthy value, which
leads to missing the true treasure, or greater picture.
Yet, one of the greatest sins of error that we all tend
to commit, at least in greatest number, is that of
accepting beliefs passed on down to each of us,
throughout generations, without questioning or
wavering away from false teachings.
To put it another way, imperfect, humanized
interpretations are given over to us, and we never
dare ask why, thinking those beliefs and practices
must be true and right.
In other words, traditions (traditional thinking)
is handed down in naive innocence, only to again be
accepted with ignorance.
Do not ignore, or you will be able to hear and can’t
see the Truth, whenever it is spoken and right before
your eyes.
Those given over to a tendency of always arguing, in order to try to test and reprove others are already
judging, or bringing divine judgement upon, themselves, just as they are sitting in judgement of
Providing a more recent and severe case of such an
example; Someone asked if an angelic encounter
had been “tested by/in Spirit”.
When answered that it need not be, knowing the
experience was personal and real, then they
countered with something arrogant, like
“I thought so! Why bother?”, now not recalling
their exact words.
A time to shake the dust from my sandals and move
on along.
LOVE your Father, Creator!
LOVE your fellow humankind!
Who is your “neighbor”?
They may not be your family relative, nor share
the exact same beliefs.
They are those living close to you, in spiritual
proximity, no matter how far distant they might be.
They may not even be faithful, not even believers,
but they need your attendance, in helping by prayer,
setting an example of true Faith and encouragement
by LOVE!
However, you must be warned and always keep in
mind, being ever so mindful, that their are those
among us that are not “neighbors”, at all.
They are those that willingly sin, often taking joy in
doing so, and those so willing that they are not and
can not be accounted among humankind, because
they were born of evil seed and are wicked (twisted),
according to their own inborn nature.
Now, in saying so, one must be careful not to judge
who it is that might be wicked, or so inhumane that
they are, indeed, inhuman.* Yet, according to their
sins of inhumanity, let them be judged as enemies,
not ever, never to be associated with, as far as they
can be avoided and is possible.
Should they pose a threat and *prove themselves
your foes and/or mighty adversaries of “God” (Yah),
only then you should do more than resist them and
strike them down, if must need be.
Be as peaceful as doves and prove yourself to be
among the Shepherd’s flock of sheep, until such time
that you need to act as a lion, among wolves.
Messiah died for your sins, as all of us are imperfect,
because we descended through creation, from and
through him, and because his was and is the first born
of all creation.
Otherwise, the subsequent generations of us would
have never been born, at all, he bringing everything
to an end, at that time, instead.
This is his own LOVE shown, perfectly demonstrated,
for our own example and benefit, even so that the
Law should be written upon our hearts, spiritually.
In keeping on topic, he died not only to offer us a
chance of everlasting life, but died for our lives and
spiritual freedom.
Let no man, of any ilk, dare try to remove or take this
away from you and/or your neighbor!
You are their keeper.
There is no sin in self-preservation nor LOVE!
The singular exception is selfish self-preservation.
Therefore, be selfless in everything you do, all of
your works, save for eating and drinking, for sustenance. Even so, also be generous, when you
eat and drink, towards those thirsty, hungering or
starving, giving aid, without prior judgement, still
remaining cautious and observant.
Tolerate evil, only until intolerable.
Suffer not, at the hands of the wicked.
These is what it truly means to be like Yah (“God”).
To be long suffering within patience.
To love all others, so far and as long as they would
love and be loved.
To treat others, as you would be treated, but also as
they treat you, unless and until absolutely intolerant.
Forgive as asked, if repentant.
Hate and despise the enemy, as much as you do
LOVE your heavenly Father and Messiah, as well.
There are many religions, even those not based
upon an acceptance of Yah or his Messiah.
Within those which do, there are still many factions,
“churches” (circles of similar thought, or beliefs),
or denominations (demon-nations), none of which
are perfect. Let that not become nor remain an excuse not to evolve and grow, spiritually!
Whatever we believe is according to whatever we’ve
be taught to believe, then also later chosen to
accept or decided to reject.
What you believe, is only what you think that you
know. Yet, never forget how much you do not know!
However, there are some things that you do know,
yet you have heard other or make up your own excuses, “white-washing” your practices.
Covering over the darkness, with what appears light,
rather than actually washing clean and renewing.
Surely, you have heard it said or read it for yourself,
“You can not worship both God and Mammon”!
( Matthew 6:24 )
Yah, himself, through his living Word,
commanded us to never have any other gods before
him. The first and foremost Commandment!
( Exodus 20:3-5 )
Within the core Commandments of divine Law,
both our spiritual and human relationships are addressed.
Laws regarding eating clean foods, for example, seem set apart from those, yet show loving consideration for our longevity of life and the health
of our physical soul, which is a temple of his life
given spirit.
Yet, let us keep our focus upon one, perfect example
of how we are to do our very best to follow, as simply
provided by our Messiah.
Nothing more really needs to be said!
The best of us are willing to die for our fellow humans,
willingly, if we must, in order to preserve their life or lives, but we can’t die for and atone for their sins.
We die in our imperfection, hoping for a new body
and mindset, thereafter.
Here, it needs to be and must be clearly made plain;
A true martyr dies for the sake of others, but without
selfishly killing another, unless in defense of imminent
threat of lives that might would be probably lost.
A martyr gives up their life for another’s life.
A martyr preserves life.
A martyr is not a destroyer,
as those two words can not possibly be synonymous.
Preservations must be a selfless act, or one dies in
Martyrs never act in hatred or revenge.
Martyrs only act out of LOVE!
Now, let’s return to the subject of beliefs.
Why are beliefs so significantly, greatly important?
How you live your life, or lifestyle, is foundationally
based upon your beliefs.
How you conduct yourself will be and is in accordance
to, not only how you live your life, but also how you
act, everything you do, what you cherish and reject,
and your degree of contentment, happiness and joy.
Yes, even what you eat, how you dress, etcetera.
Abba (Father), Yah (God) takes the worship (praise and practices) of him, by his children, super seriously,
telling us not to even speak names of foreign/pagan,
false gods!
( Exodus 23:13 )
If our Creator takes just spoken words this seriously,
then how can we possibly excuse and justify our
celebrating pagan holidays (holly days) over his
appointed Holy Days and Feasts?!?
Names of days and months have even been corrupted with replacement names of pagan gods.
Forgivable, in our naive ignorance, yet to become
fully aware of such and all deception.
More importantly, his Sabbath Day has been changed
to Sun-Day, by sun-worshippers.
Saturday (Saturn-Day) is the true Sabbath.
Sábado, in Spanish.
Both meaning SEVENTH day.
Now, we could go on and on, regarding doctrines
and dogmas of denominational churches, but we
won’t belabor more, because time is precious and
has grown very short.
The end of this world is very near, according to ALL
of the many prophetic signs we are now seeing, being
fulfilled before our very eyes and ears.
Having studied and searched for the Truth, for decades, rejecting main stream religions, what you
can do is pray and meditate, repent from your old
ways, ask for forgiveness and become adopted,
or grafted into, the Hebrew olive tree.
Who is the little flock?
( John 10:16 )
( Luke 12:32 )
In essence, it is all TRUE “Christians”.
Those who follow and are guided by our Shepherd.
( Hebrew Christians or Christian Hebrews )
We are surrounded by poorly guided and weak
flocks of sheep, causing turmoils.
We know the time of the new Kingdom is near.
3 things must first be fulfilled, before Messiah’s
triumphant return.
1. God’s name must be made known to the world √
Yah or Yehovah
2. Truth must be known available to the world √
Follow Yahshuah
( John 5:43 )
3. Identity of the anti-Messiah must be revealed ?
King Charles, Elon Musk, Obama, Pope Francis?
Over the years, many, many guesses and claims
have been made.
Many have also failed, as the person(s) died.
There are few that make good cases,
yet we have been given better clues.
NUMBERS 6:24-26
Perhaps you have heard this question asked;
Are we human being having a spiritual experience
spirits having a human experience?
Some chose one over the other.
Others say “both”.
One truth above all is that the only true evolution is
Your own spiritual journey is the most important one.
Along your path there is a fork in the road.
You have only one choice of two.
One leads to everlasting life.
The other to everlasting death.
Life or Death.
Light or Darkness.
Right or Left.
Spirit or Flesh.
Kingdom or Worldliness.
Know this;
You are already forgiven, always have been, IF
you only, simply accept it.
Choose wisely!
Be very careful, because the power you worship and
seek to possess, will end up possessing you.
Luke 21:25-33
There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things BEGIN to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
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