Breaking Free from the Monsters Among Us: Identifying Narcissistic Abuse

9 months ago

In this eye-opening episode, we delve into the topic of narcissistic abuse and learn how to identify the warning signs before getting trapped in a controlling relationship. Our special guest, Dana S. Diaz, an expert in narcissistic abuse recovery, shares invaluable insights and practical advice to empower listeners on their journey to healing and liberation.

Join us as we shed light on the often-misunderstood dynamics of narcissistic abuse. Dana S. Diaz will guide us through the various tactics employed by narcissists to manipulate and control their victims, leaving lasting emotional and psychological scars. By understanding these red flags, listeners can gain the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves from falling into such toxic relationships.

Prepare to embark on a journey of awareness and empowerment as we discuss the topic of narcissistic abuse with guest Dana S. Diaz. Through her expertise and personal experiences, Dana will help listeners identify the early warning signs of narcissistic manipulation and control. By equipping ourselves with this knowledge, we can protect ourselves and avoid falling into destructive relationships.

Find out more about Dana's work at:

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Music by: Logan Belle
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