JESUS IS RISEN! | "Triumph And Victory Over Sin And Death"

5 months ago

Isaiah 53:5 - 6
5) He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions - He Was Bruised For Our Iniquities: The Chastisement Of Our Peace Was Laid Upon Him - And With His Stripes We Are Healed.
6) All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray - We Have Turned Every One To His Own Way - And The LORD Hath Laid On Him The Iniquity Of Us All.

1 Peter 2:21 - 24
1) Christ Also Suffered For us - Leaving Us An Example - That We Should Follow His Steps:
2) Who Did Not Sin - Neither Was Guile Found In His Mouth:
3) Who When He Was Reviled - Reviled Not Again; When He Suffered - He Threatened Not - But Committed Himself To Him That Judges Righteously:
4) Who His Own Self Bare Or Sins In His Own Body On Cross - That We Being Dead To Sins - Should Live Unto Righteousness: By Whose Stripes We Are Healed.

Matthew 8:17
17) That It Might Be Fulfilled Which Was Spoken By Esaias The Prophet Saying - Himself Took Our Infirmities - And Bare Our Sicknesses.

He Is Risen - We Are Forgiven - Redeemed - Healed - The Price Has Been Paid!

"Jesus - Thank You For Loving Me So Much - That You Came To The Earth - You Died On The Cross For My Sin - And Then You Rose From The Dead - And I Know That You're Alive - And Today I Surrender To You - Please Forgive Me Of My Sin And Make Me New - I Choose To Follow You For The Rest Of My Life - I'm Yours - In Jesus Name - Amen - Amen.

Give Praise And Thanks To God - Ask Him To Lead You - Heal You - Open Doors - Guide Your Steps - Build Your Understanding.

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