Resurrection Sunday 2024.The real message from GOD (it’s NOT Easter).

9 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday, March 31, 2024 Resurrection Sunday 2024.The real message from GOD (it’s NOT Easter).
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI
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Resurrection Sunday instead of Easter. Yet, some of those same people still practice all the trappings of the pagan holiday easter while simply calling it Resurrection Sunday.Don’t get me wrong many are quite sincere in their Christianity in their walk with Yeshua. However, they need to re-examine that walk, as we all should do.
Martin Luther was said to have organized egg hunts for his The custom of the Easter egg hunt, congregation. The men would hide the eggs for the women and children to find. In order to justify such pagan stupidity, some said well it represents the story of the resurrection, in which the empty tomb was discovered by women. HUH?
Satan is using mysteries and deceptions to deceive people into thinking that they are worshipping GOD when they are actually worshipping him, Satan. It is the deception of all deceptions. Make people think they are doing good when they are in fact practicing evil. Remember Satan’s main goals regarding man that we looked at earlier.
Imagine as the women arrived, the darkness giving way to the light slowly, steadily…What it must have looked like that glorious day that impacted the whole world.

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