What If Earth Had Atmosphere Like Venus? | Nasa Video

10 months ago

Welcome to your new Earth. A world where the sky is no longer blue but a thick yellowish haze. A deep breath is no longer refreshing but, instead, will suffocate you. And the ground beneath your feet is so hot that it's melting your shoes.What deadly new conditions should you prepare for? How would this radically transform our planet? And would this be the end of all life on Earth?

00:00 What If Earth Had Atmosphere Like Venus?
00:47 Venus The Second Closest Planet to the Sun
01:27 Astronomers Suggest Venus May Not Have Always Been a Hot Inferno
04:14 Breathing Becomes Impossible due to Carbon Dioxide and Sulfuric Acid
06:52 The Need for Subterranean Shelters to Protect Against Extreme Heat and Pressure

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