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No Broken Bones

11 months ago

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are two of the most revered days in history. Jesus was crucified alongside two thieves. Because it was the Day of Preparation, they didn’t want the men on the cross on the Sabbath; they asked Pilate to have their legs broken. When they got to Jesus, He was already dead, so His legs weren’t broken. This fulfilled many prophecies about Christ, but what was the significance? Why was it important that Jesus’ legs weren’t broken? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he opens our eyes to the mystery behind this prophecy fulfilled in his Resurrection Sunday message, No Broken Bones.

Verses Used:
Exodus 12:43-49
John 3:16
1 Peter 3:18
Numbers 9:5
Numbers 14:1-4
Psalms 103:10
2 Peter 3:9
1 Corinthians 10:14-22
Exodus 12:46-47
Romans 8:15-17
John 19:31-37
John 14:30
Psalms 51:7-9
Psalms 34:20
Psalms 51:10-14

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/special-occasion-messages/no-broken-bones/

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Music By: https://www.hooksounds.com


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