Zedhead - Trailer

3 months ago

Zedhead is a short stop-motion film, that will (if all goes to plan) be premiering at the Ventnor Fringe Festival in July of 2024. Ventnor is a small town on the Isle of Wight, in the UK. After this premiere, the film will then be submitted to several film festivals, before being made freely available online, via sites like YouTube and Rumble.

The film follows the adventures of a character called Zedhead, who wakes up in a strange world, with no memory of who he is, where he is, or what he’s supposed to be doing with his life. He finds himself on a slab of rock, in a moonlit wilderness, and begins to explore his surroundings – inadvertently stumbling into a world that is like a labyrinth, filled with mysteries and dangers, that force wayward travellers to learn quickly, or die young.

You can follow Zedhead’s adventures at zedhead.org, on YouTube @zhead, or on Rumble at rumble.com/c/c-3386526.

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