Isaac Mars: I AM the World Teacher, I AM the Christ, I AM Maitreya

3 months ago

The beginning of the Tribulation is here.

At any moment now, Elon Musk, the Red Dragon of biblical prophecy, will reveal his true, dark intentions to the world.

Our Fallen Brother, the Demon "Molek" (an anagram within "Elon Musk") has lost control; as he loses everything, he will use the malice in his broken heart to destroy whatever he can.

May our hearts be our guiding keys to truth and safety in the coming moments and days; and may we all UNITE under the tragedy of the chaos he causes..

The time is NOW for the Rainbow Tribe to come together across the world.

In this coming storm, my True Self shall emerge, and I will remind our people of the power of the IAM that we ALL are..

With Adamant, Unconditional Love,


The World Teacher, Maitreya



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