CCP's Unconventional Warfare Tactics: Attacking US Stealthily

6 months ago

03/29/2024 Roy on Grant Stinchfield Show: Xi Jinping is waiting for the perfect moment for the vaccine catastrophe to occur because of CCP’s long-term plan to supplant United States’ global dominance and the knowledge that a frontal attack on U.S. forces would provoke a giant response. Therefore, the CCP has been using unconventional warfare methods to carry out cyber attacks, disrupt supply chains and transportation, and directly target everyone with COVID-19 and fentanyl.
03/29/2024 罗伊做客Grant Stinchfield Show:习近平在等待疫苗灾难发生的完美时机,因为中共有取代美国全球主导地位的长期计划,而且清楚地知道对美军的正面攻击会引起强烈回击。因此中共一直以非常规作战的手段开展网络攻击、破坏供应链和运输,并且用新冠病毒和芬太尼直接针对所有人进行攻击。

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