What God Showed Me At The Playground • The Todd Coconato Show

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What God Showed Me At The Playground • The Todd Coconato Show

Website: www.PastorTodd.org

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Yesterday afternoon, I took my daughter to the playground and God showed me something…
Life, in many ways, can be likened to a playground—a place filled with opportunities, challenges, and a spectrum of experiences. From a Biblical Christian perspective, this analogy can help us understand the journey of faith, the choices we make, and the attitudes we hold toward life's ups and downs.

Just as a playground is dotted with slides, swings, and sandboxes, life presents us with a variety of paths and experiences. The biggest slides could symbolize the moments that require courage and faith, the opportunities to step out in trust, believing that God is with us even in the most daunting challenges. My daughter was scared and shaky, but she knew her father was with her so she went to the highest slide and when she did, she loved it! These moments often lead to significant growth and exhilarating experiences in our faith journey, much like the thrill of going down the biggest slide.

On any playground, you'll notice some children hesitantly watching from the sidelines, perhaps overwhelmed by fear or discouraged by a previous fall. Similarly, in life, some of us find ourselves on the sidelines, held back by fear, past failures, or a sense of inadequacy. We watch others embrace the fullness of life's playground, longing to join but unsure if we can. Instead, we remain on the bench. I even saw a few kids crying. Crying at the playground? They were missing out on a good day and many awesome memories!

The Bible encourages us to not be controlled by fear but to trust in God's presence and promises. Isaiah 41:10 says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." This verse is a gentle nudge to step into the playground of life, reassured of God's unfailing support and guidance. We need to get off the bench and participate. We still have many opportunities ahead, and we need to enjoy the moment.

The playground is most enjoyed when we participate fully, whether that's by tackling the biggest slide, swinging as high as we can, or simply enjoying the sandbox. Similarly, life is richest and most fulfilling when we engage with the opportunities God places before us, using our talents for His glory, and stepping out in faith where He leads!
Paul's words in Philippians 4:12-13 remind us of the secret to contentment and strength in every situation: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, ... I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Encouragement to Step Off the Sidelines

For those of us on the sidelines, it might be time to wipe away our tears and trust that the same God who created the universe is with us on the playground of life. He's cheering us on, ready to catch us if we fall, and encouraging us to experience the fullness of life in Him.

The playground analogy serves as a reminder that life, with its challenges and joys, is an opportunity for us to live boldly and faithfully. It invites us to move beyond our fears, to embrace the adventures God has in store, and to experience the profound joy and fulfillment that come from trusting and walking with Him.

So, whether you're facing the biggest slide of your life or you find yourself sitting out, remember that the Lord is with you, offering strength, courage, and joy for the journey. Let's step into the playground of life with faith, ready to experience all the beautiful moments God has prepared for us.

You are greatly loved by God!

-Pastor Todd

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