Americas Dark Trinity - Three Unclean Spirits (Death Spiral of a Nation)

3 months ago

This brief and excellent video is a tour de force of the Hellish path that America has taken in separating itself from God.

ISHTAR is Back... O'Biden Admin swaps Jesus for ISHTAR & elevates Transgender awareness. Get on your knees, America, and cry out to God Almighty. Then, Read Romans 1.

Pick up the video around the 17 min. Mark about the Return of the gods.

"Summed up in a sentence, this book describes how the United States, in kicking God out of the schools and public life in the 1960s, has since replaced the one True God with three ancient deities (Baal, Ishtar, and Molech), each of whom has wreaked havoc upon our culture and morality."

ISHTAR is Back... O'Biden Admin swaps Jesus for ISHTAR & elevates Transgender awareness. Get on your knees, America and cry out to God Almighty. Then, Read Romans 1.

"Summed up in a sentence, this book describes how the United States, in kicking God out of the schools and public life in the 1960s, has since replaced the one True God with three ancient deities (Baal, Ishtar, and Molech), each of whom has wreaked havoc upon our culture and morality."

#DarkTrinity #ISHTAR #Baal #Molech #returnofthegods #AmericaHasFallen #Repent

*Original Sermon by Pastor Charles Lawson voice over and video edited by AlphaOmegaProductions.

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