Fairwell too soon ~ bye for now sweet Kazhouh ~ eternal love from your mama

1 month ago

Footage from Kazhouh
Rescued in France the 8th October 2023
Very harsh mk ultra engineering and trauma fracture
7 years of intense abuse for most of the galgo dogs with no taste of love, surrounded by handlers ; they open up slowly in trust and tend to guard their hearts for a long time. Sometimes the care and love is not enough for them to want to stay and heal here. The freedom they experience once they transform to a lighter form generally comes with inner peace.

Missing this sweet girl that I love so much,
So many leave with very little of true love in their lives,
As they are left more vulnerable to the extreme engineering than us in human avatar form.
They require our protection and our love to live and leave in dignity.

To everything we can do for spirited animals who carry the light and the kindness, the wonders of spirit,

Their heartfelt presence in our lives can not be transcripted in words.


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