Bottle Rockets Into Boy's Groin

6 years ago

Baking soda and vinegar: contents that are known to be a little volatile under pressure. Put those two ingredients inside a flimsy plastic water bottle, shake it around a bit, you very well might have something of a bottle rocket on your hands, if you know what you’re doing. Usually, you just twist the cap and you’re good to go. The crucial part that it appears the subject of our video completely forgot: be mindful of where you’re pointing that thing.

A boy shakes up a bottle of baking soda and vinegar. It foams up, ready to burst.

Most people have done this experiment at some point and in some form, usually around middle school. You take an acid (vinegar) and mix it with a base (baking soda) inside a closed-pressure environment. As the chemical reaction takes place, the bottle pressurizes, and when released, will shoot off in the direction in which it’s pointed. Still following?

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